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SUBJECT OPTION ONE: 5 Things Women Want You To Know Before You Approach Them
SUBJECT OPTION THREE: Do Women Really WANT Us To Approach Them?
You know there's a time of the month that a woman wants to bang most?
Studies have proven a woman's skirt will get shorter as she reaches the
climax of this period.
Nature is telling her to bang fast!
She becomes desperate for it!
And she will sleep with the first guy who notices the signals.
Checking her skirt (or dress) length is just one signal you can look for to
know if she's desperate for a guy between her legs.
All the signals are revealed here...
If you see these signals you've hit the jackpot.
Getting laid that's easier than calling a hooker.
She'll be taking her pants off for you before your hands can even unzip her pants!
Get access here
PS. If you LIKED this email, please share it with anyone you
think of that may be able to use the knowledge.
I don't ask this favor lightly...But I truly believe that the
information in this email is absolutely crucial to any man who wants
to know for sure that he's chosen the absolute perfect woman for him.
SUBJECT OPTION: Secret language that turns women out
By far, the biggest mistake men make when they want to make a woman wet…
Is thinking that LUSTING FOR YOU somehow comes from LIKING you.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
You see, whether or not a girl ‘likes’ you and approves of you…
Has nothing to do with whether or not she wants to wrap her
legs around you and draw you deep inside her.
In fact…
Women are more likely to fantasize about getting bent over and ravaged
by a guy they don’t particularly “like” in the traditional sense.
Discover how to make her fantasize about getting pounded by you here:
That’s because LUST and LIKING exist in different areas of her brain…
“Liking” is generated in the rational, logical part of the brain…
And lust is activated in the deeper, more primal, animal part of the brain…
The good news is…
That a woman’s primal, animal brain is much more powerful than her
logical, reasonable one…
And guys who know how to activate it…
Have an insane amount of choice with women..
=> Here’s how to activate the LUST part of her brain
When you think about it, we men aren’t that different:
I’m sure there’s been a girl you didn’t particularly “like” or connect with…
But you wouldn’t hesitate to slide into bed with her and tear her panties off.
The main difference between men’s and women’s brains…
Is where a man’s primal lust is triggered by a woman’s physical appearance…
A woman’s primal lust is triggered by the signals his body language gives off…
That’s why carrying yourself a certain way will make a woman squirm in her seat…
It’ll make her want to reach down and start touching herself…
And she’ll be picturing your face as she crests over…
=> Learn how it’s done HERE
Thank me later.
PS. If you LIKED this email, please share it with anyone you
think of that may be able to use the knowledge.
I don't ask this favor lightly...But I truly believe that the
information in this email is absolutely crucial to any man who wants
to know for sure that he's chosen the absolute perfect woman for him