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SUBJECT (OPTION ONE): Attract women with this little simple trick...
SUBJECT (OPTION TWO): Know What She Wants And How To Give It To Her
Sometimes girls just want to hit it just like guys.
It could be because of stress from work.
Maybe she just broke up with a guy.
Maybe it's the "right time of the month."
And she's just looking for a man to have some fun, casual,
no-strings-attached sex with!
She'll eagerly take the first guy who notices.
All you need to do is look for the right signals.
If it's been a while since your sausage has been inside
a nice pair of buns...
Seriously. Click. That. Link.
Even if you're not rich or young or good looking.
Just take a shower, buy some mouthwash and follow
that trick in the video above!
SUBJECT (OPTION) Why I Hate Girls Who Dress Slutty
Hey {!firstname_fix},
Most guys (looking to get some) love girls who dress slutty.
Not me.
1) Girls dressed slutty are BEGGING for attention from
any and everybody who will give it to them.
Think about it. Girls will sleep with a guy who “gets” them
and they see as a “prize”.
And when they want attention (and free drinks) from everyone
around them, there’s no way they will see you as a prize.
And my guess is that most of your best sexual experiences saw
you differently than other men.
To put it another way, the girls who look like they want it the most,
usually just want to LOOK like they want it the most.
You need to find out which women truly want it the most.
If you keep feeding into her insecurities, you’ll go down the wrong path,
playing right into her B.S. games instead of pleasing her in bed.
But that’s not all…
2) At best, a girl dressed like a slut who WILL go home with you, would
just as easily have gone home with anyone else…
…AND there’s a good chance she’s not clean.
In fact, in the past when I’ve gone home with “party girls” like that I’ve found
recently used condoms still in the bed sheets, other peoples underwear thrown
around the bedroom, and naked photos of men and women all over the coffee
tables (with dates written on the backs of them)…
How fast would you run away if you knew she has already had multiple other
partners that same day???
So, if you’d like to bring home a new girl anytime you want, and make sure
it’s going to be nothing but an amazing time with no downside, what do you do?
Well, we’ve figured it out…
…Read all about this here.
Does it require you to do a little more work?
Yep… a little.
But spending a few minutes to read the secrets never told to you before
is VERY well worth your time.
You won’t believe how easy it really is.
P.S. To be clear, I don’t actually hate sluts.
In fact, will have some of the best nights ever with them, and wild experiences that
you can’t imagine (as opposed to just random women who allow themselves a single
night to indulge in some fun).
That being said, I still don’t like only approaching girls who are dressed slutty for
the sake of attention.
I want to know for sure which women will go home with me for a wild night without
the hassle…
…so you can spend more time having fun!
And that’s exactly what I show you how to do, here.